Our Dedication to Safety

As one of Omaha’s most established and relied-upon construction companies, our MOD rate <1, which means we are much safer than most. We pride ourselves on having the most advanced technology, training and certifications. On top of that, all of our employees are First Aid/AED/CPR certified as well as OSHA authorized.

Appruv network member

Appruv’s mission is to advance the field of occupational health and safety. They provide global vendor, contractor and supplier qualification services. Through Appruv, we have access to safety resources and safety training that keep our team safe and informed.

ISNetworld member contractor

ISN’s contractor management software helps with the supplier management process that includes contractor safety and risk management. Customers can feel safe knowing we have a national network supporting us.


Not only are all of our contractors OSHA authorized, but we also provide site specific and subcontractor training.

At Facilities Solutions Group we charge our employees with the responsibility to speak up on all safety matters.